Welcome GLAM Warrior Women
You are a warrior but you have fear and your ready to conquer it...
You forget often how powerful and strong you really are because of your "story"...
You are ready to step into courage and embrace your most authentic self...
You forget often how powerful and strong you really are because of your "story"...
You are ready to step into courage and embrace your most authentic self...
By the way...Nothing is wrong with you...we all have fear...
But there is another way...
Hi my name is Tabitha Danloe and I know fear.
I know it well.
I also know courage, authenticity, and how to be a fierce bad ass warrior!
I've spent the last decade understanding how fear works on a scientific, physiological, and
spiritual level and GUESS WHAT???
Fear isn't always fear.
It is often F.E.A.R. - False Evidence Appearing Real
We can change our relationship to fear so that we can show up in this world in a bigger way.
I know it well.
I also know courage, authenticity, and how to be a fierce bad ass warrior!
I've spent the last decade understanding how fear works on a scientific, physiological, and
spiritual level and GUESS WHAT???
Fear isn't always fear.
It is often F.E.A.R. - False Evidence Appearing Real
We can change our relationship to fear so that we can show up in this world in a bigger way.
Here are the details:
Warrior Women Masterclass will be held virtually on Zoom from:
12:00pm-1:30pm PST on 5/17, 5/31, 6/14, 6/28, 7/12, 7/26. Don't worry about missing a class, they will all be recorded so that you can live life as needed. :) |
What you can expect:
Regular price $299!!! Payment plans available!!! |
When we change our relationship to fear, we can be:
make more money
have more fulfilling relationships
have thriving careers/businesses
attract more love
manifest any abundance we choose
feel total empowerment with our authenticity ...and so much more!
make more money
have more fulfilling relationships
have thriving careers/businesses
attract more love
manifest any abundance we choose
feel total empowerment with our authenticity ...and so much more!